Thursday, September 16, 2010

School Daze...

Ah, it's been awhile! Oops :) I should have blogged about our trip to Glacier National Park and our visit in Montana with family there. I should have blogged about the end of summer and the beginning of the school year. I should have...but I didn't! So, maybe those entries will come later! For now, I thought I'd upload a more recent picture of our "babies" and update on our everyday life.

Okay, first of all our dogs are doing well. Lola continues to frustrate us one moment and crack us up the next. She is truly the oddest dog I've ever met! So very weird...
They only thing they are unhappy with is that we are back in school which means they have reduced freedom during the day.

We are having a wonderful school year so far! The Senior class this year is a lot of fun and has really set a positive tone for the whole school. We both have pretty good schedules (well, as good as it gets I guess) and except for a few minor complaints, we have had a terrific first month.

College football season has begun again, so George believes all is right with the world. Saturdays are full of football for George and sleeping/cleaning/boredom for Jodi. Oh well...such is life and although I (Jodi) hate to admit it, I love this time of year--football and all.

Beyond that, life is normal again and 6:45 a.m. feels too early every morning :) We are enjoying occasional Fridays off creating nice three day weekends...this weekend is one of those! So, happy weekend everyone.