Monday, October 28, 2013


It has been quite some time since I posted last. We have settled in to life with Hanna and Sohyeon...and Sabine...and Jules and Susi...we love having all of the STS girls around and feel thankful that they all get along so well and like spending time together!

A quick snapshot of our everyday:
1. Get ready for school
2. Ride to school (carpooling with Sabine and my mom who hosts Sabine)
3. School
4. George and Jodi go home
5. Jodi starts supper, George goes back to Kilgore to get Hanna, Sohyeon, and Sabine from volleyball practice
6. Eat supper together (Sabine too!) - insert lively conversation here!
7. Sabine goes home
8. We hang out/do homework
9. We go to bed
10. Repeat

Our weekends have been full, fun, and included various activities. This past weekend we took Hanna and Sohyeon to a Huskers game in Minneapolis. Unfortunately the Huskers lost but we had lots of fun experiencing the game atmosphere and enjoyed some shopping time at the Mall of America!

Anyway, I wanted to get a post written and thought I would focus on the girls' personalities and sharing what I love about each one.

Hanna and Sohyeon are as different as can be but they perfectly balance each other and they get along wonderfully. Here is a picture of our beautiful girls all ready for homecoming:
Sohyeon is our little comedian. She loves to dance (and then gets all embarrassed), joke with us, and is super entertaining. We began calling her "Spicy" shortly after she arrived and the name stuck. Originally we called her Spicy because nothing was spicy enough for her taste-buds but it fits her personality more than her food tastes. She is a firecracker and has so many cute, endearing characteristics that we just cannot help but love her. Spicy keeps life interesting and we are so thankful that she is living with us. I also love that she will randomly sit down and play piano. It is wonderful to hear her play! Spicy is a cuddler and will sit right next to me at times and always comes for a hug after being away from me for a longer period of time; which, of course, I love!

Hanna is my little helper. She is very conscientious and is always lending a hand wherever she can be of use. She is so sensitive to other peoples' wants and needs and is extremely considerate. Hanna is so easy to get along with and is all sweetness. I also love that Hanna is willing to make a decision and to express what she would like to experience, eat, or do. Hanna and I have done quite a bit of baking together and she is extremely competent and capable. She is an absolute joy to be around because although she is quieter than Sohyeon, she has the greatest sense of humor. I guess a "kindred spirit" might be the best way to describe the way I feel about Hanna.

Both of our girls have wonderful qualities and we are enjoying them so much. It is hard to believe that they have already been here for two months. I guess the saying is true--time flies when you're having fun!

I will try to update more often but with a busy life like we're living right now, I make no promises. Until next time...God bless you!